Friday, February 25, 2005

Early Spring 2005

These daffodils have been bloomed for about a week, though the others are just starting to bud. I'm not sure if it's because these are covered with a thick layer of mulch, or if they're just crazy. Posted by Hello

The crocuses are in full bloom. Posted by Hello

Even the hyacinths are peeping out.  Posted by Hello

I'm not sure what this is, but I do know my son's very allergic to them. One spring he kept breaking out in hives. I finally discovered he & his sister had made a 'fort' in the middle of a big thicket of these. He kept sneaking back in I wouldn't notice he was covered in hives again. Posted by Hello

They don't have much scent, but they're pretty. Posted by Hello

This little glutton has been pigging out today. I just filled the feeder this morning. Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Well Crap

I get home from class only to discover my other blog had disappeared. (I didn't do it. I wasn't even here when it happened.) I can't get to Hosting Matters either, but hopefully everything will be back soon.

Now I have no excuse not to work on my homework this afternoon. Dammit.

UPDATE: ok so HM is back up, but I'm still getting that stupid page for my site. Oh well, guess it's a happy afternoon filled with fun 'n games 'n PHP.