Monday, April 18, 2005

Pieces of April

My stepdaughter planted these when they first moved here. They're gorgeous every year. Posted by Hello

I planted these interspersed with bright yellow tulips a couple of years ago. The yellow ones didn't bloom this year for some reason. Prolly something I did. Posted by Hello

There's a nice spread of these beside our driveway....whatever they are. Posted by Hello

I planted this several years ago, so I don't remember its name. But it makes a nice bright spot of color in a shady area. Posted by Hello

These bushes get huge, some are close to 9 ft. tall. They're rather invasive too, though I don't mind b/c they make a nice hedge. They're covered in red berries in the winter....birds love them so they don't last long. Posted by Hello

April sky through green filigree. Posted by Hello

The redbud's in full bloom. Posted by Hello